

房地产投资者享受多元化投资组合的好处, 升值, 被动收入, 在其他福利中. But what if you don’t currently live in one of the best markets for real estate investing? The good news is that state lines don’t have to end your investing career before it truly begins.

如果你对投资当地的房地产市场不感兴趣, 州外地区可能会提供更低的价格, 更高的需求, 或者其他更符合要求的. 换句话说, modern real estate investors are no longer limited to their immediate geographical area 和 can find success buying investment property out-of-state.


While there are countless reasons that investors choose to explore real estate, 特别是州外, 一些主要的 好处 包括:

  • 被动收入. Investment properties can bring in revenue with little work on your part, 通过每月租金收入和房屋增值. 

  • 多样化. Spreading your investments around can minimize risk, boost profits, 和 reduce volatility. This includes diversifying your portfolio (stocks, rental properties, 等.)以及你们的房地产市场.

  • 升值. 从历史上看,房地产价值和租金逐年上升. 

  • 税收优惠. Qualifying real estate investors can take advantage of various tax write-offs 和 deductions.

  • 增加的选择. 有了合适的团队, 你可以探索, 评估, 和 purchase investment properties in diverse markets across the country.


在州外购买出租房产并不总是那么容易. You’ll want to develop a thorough underst和ing of the unique challenges you might face as an out-of-state investor. 这些包括:

  • 世界十大博彩公司. You likely won’t be around to manage the day-to-day operations of your rental property. 你得找个信得过的人, 像Evernest, 确保您的投资处于最佳状态. 

  • 租户. 一些市场比其他市场提供更多高素质的租房者. 因为利润很大程度上依赖于找到合适的居民, 你还需要确保有足够的需求.

  • 当地规章制度. Each state has its own set of laws, customs, 和 norms when it comes to real estate investing. You need to develop a thorough underst和ing of each investment market’s rules 和 regulations, 或者与当地专家密切合作.

  • 风险. There is always a degree of risk that comes with investing in real estate, out-of-state or otherwise.

像任何投资一样,你可能会遇到一些障碍. 幸运的是, a little research 和 self-reflection ahead of time 可以帮助 you approach out-of-state real estate investing with the confidence to overcome.

建议听: 开始进行州外投资


位置,位置,位置! When it comes to out-of-state real estate investing, finding the right market is critical. 

The ideal market depends on each individual investor’s goals 和 preferences. Do some research on current 和 emerging markets for out-of-state investors, 然后考虑以下因素:

  • 你的预算

  • 房价与租金之间的比例。

  • 供求关系

  • 房屋租赁法律

  • 社区类

  • 适用的费用和税金

  • 当地经济状况

  • 犯罪率和其他公共统计数据

Your market of choice should align with your goals 和 buy box, 和 may be different from the norm. 如果你想和专家谈谈潜在的市场, 我们可以帮忙.


投资回报率(ROI)在任何投资中都起着至关重要的作用. 在你购买房产之前,你会想 对潜在的投资回报率有所了解.

To do this, subtract the cost of the investment from the total expected return. 这个数字被认为是净利润. Divide the net profit by the original cost to determine a property’s ROI.

请记住,这个数字不包括适用的费用, 感兴趣, 或者维护成本, 这只是一个投影. Speaking with an expert can further clarify what you could expect to earn from a specific investment.


在房地产行业,重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁. 从另一个州建立网络可能是一个挑战, 但与当地专家交谈可以帮助你获得成功.

与您所选择市场的其他投资者建立联系, 考虑在线论坛, 虚拟或面对面的社交活动, 和良好的, 旧的社交媒体. 房地产投资是一个高度社会化的行业, 许多人非常愿意分享他们的成功, 失败, 和建议. 你只要开口问就行了!


一旦你建立了一些人际关系网,就该决定你的合作伙伴了. 当你的投资房产不在这条街的另一头或城市的另一头时, 组建合适的团队成为游戏的关键. Your real estate agent 和 property manager play a large role in the success of your out-of-state rental property.

You’ll want to consult a local agent who can provide specific market knowledge, 专业的沟通技巧, 和, 潜在的, 即使是场外交易. 在理想的情况下, this person will have extensive experience in brokering investment transactions 和 a portfolio of out-of-state clients.

In the same vein, your property manager will be your eyes 和 ears on the ground. 他们的工作是定期检查你的财产, 与住院医生互动, 并向你汇报. 你需要一个高标准的物业经理, 拥有丰富的单户或多户投资物业经验, 和明确的, 频繁的沟通.

如果您对一体化解决方案感兴趣,我们可以帮助您! 珠穆朗玛峰提供了一个当地的房地产专业团队, 从代理到物业经理, 在全国各地的投资市场. 我们可以帮你清理你的购物箱, 寻找潜在的属性, 以你的名义报价, 做好世界十大博彩公司, 安置高素质的居民, 当你坐着的时候, 放松, 并从成功的租赁组合中获利.


除非你是现金买家, you’ll need to consider financing when purchasing out-of-state investment properties. Like any real estate deal, getting pre-approved can streamline the process. 研究适用的贷款机构, 考虑向专家寻求建议, 和 work with the lender to determine just how much you’re approved for. Completing the pre-approval process before you begin the official search 可以帮助 clarify your buy box, 指导你的策略, 让你的报价更有竞争力


成功的房地产投资者的生死取决于房产检查. 这一步骤提供了有关房屋的无价信息, 一旦你发现了一个属性,就不应该低估或忽略它.

如果你要买州外的出租房产, 很有可能你并不想参与到日常生活中. If you receive a negative or shoddy inspection 和 decide to move forward without any adjustments, 你这是自找麻烦. 你不仅可以花费宝贵的时间, 能源, 还有解决问题的资源, it could be an unenjoyable or even dangerous place for residents to live.

此外还有专业的物业检查, 优秀的物业经理(像我们的)表现正常, 彻底检查,使您的财产处于最佳状态. 大量的笔记, 照片, 和 prompt repairs all help ensure residents 和 investors alike remain happy.


Out-of-state real estate investing is an ideal way to take advantage of hot markets like 柯林斯堡, 利用有利的租售比, 全面扩大你的房地产投资组合. 虽然这个过程最初看起来令人生畏, 一步一步来,或者与一体化解决方案合作, 像Evernest, 可以帮助.

Source: This content was originally written 和 published for Evernest at Evernest.co
